Arsip Tag: Penelitian

CALL FOR PAPERS: International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries 2019


Dear Friends, Dear Colleagues,

It is our pleasure to invite you to join QQML as Members.
The membership is free and lasts two years.After you fill in the attached form you receive your Membership identity card which is valid for two years and is renewed after your renewal application.
Your membership entitles you to the following benefits:

  • Online access to the QQML e-journal and priority in publishing,
  • Attendance of QQML conference and other potential events in priority,
  • Discounts on the publications of QQML,
  • Participation to the decision –making about QQML chapters and groups,
  • Opportunity to join a community of professors, professionals,
  • decision makers, students and graduates from all over the world,
  • Opportunity to promote yourself and your achievements through the network,
  • Active about special scientific interests.

QQML acts under the umbrella of ISAST a non- profit organization (International Society for the Advancement of Science and Technology) and organizes the Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference. QQML is dedicated to promoting the theory and practice of QQM in Libraries, Museums and Archives and aspires to:

  • To establish an active network of people who are interested in QQM
  • To promote the theory and practice of QQM
  • To track the developments and share the research results of QQM
  • To transfer the knowledge on QQM from scientists to professionals

QQML welcomes people from 58 countries and 5 continents. Every year the International conference attracts new delegates as well as it’s permanent friends.
The subject disciplines include every topic of the information science, as the methodologies are used in every field. Special topics are listed in the website of the Conference
QQML is in Facebook and Linkedin. Find and join!

The target group of QQML

The target group and the audience are library professionals in a more general sense: professors, researchers, students, administrators, stakeholders, technologists, museum scientists, archivists, decision makers and managers, information scientists, librarians, records managers, web developers, IT specialists, taxonomists, statisticians, marketing managers, philologist et al.

Grants and Awards

QQML promote Grants to Post Graduate students and PhD Candidates, after the recommendation of their supervisors which is recognition of their contribution to the scholarly communication. The grant is a discount of the conference fees.
The enquiries about the award are sent to
The aim of the grant is to facilitate students to participate to the conference, get experience, and share their research and exchange ideas.

Warm Regards,

Dr Anthi Katsirikou
QQML Conference Co-chair



KUESIONER: Budaya Pengetahuan

Salam sejahtera bagi warga Jabodetabek. Mohon perkenannya meluangkan sedikit waktu untuk mengisi angket ini.

Saya sedang melakukan riset tentang BUDAYA PENGETAHUAN, untuk mamahami perilaku masyarakat urban dalam menghadapi informasi/pengetahuan. Masyarakat yang kuat adalah mereka yang memiliki informasi/pengetahuan.

Salam hormat,

KUESIONER: Peranan Perpustakaan dalam Menunjang Kegiatan Akademik

Saya sedang melakukan riset mandiri tentang peranan perpustakaan dalam menunjang kegiatan akademik. Kuesioner ini dibuat untuk memperoleh masukan langsung dari pengguna layanan. Hasil studi ini akan digunakan untuk kepentingan akademis yang nantinya akan membantu dunia manajemen perpustakaan.

Kuesioner ini ditujukan bagi mahasiswa, dosen dan peneliti pengguna jasa perpustakaan. Waktu untuk mengisi survey ini sekitar 10 menit.

Kami sangat menjaga kerahasiaan jawaban Anda. Hasil yang ditampilkan nantinya adalah bersifat agregat, bukan jawaban individu.

Lima orang yang beruntung akan mendapatkan buku “PERSONAL BRANDING: Membangun Citra Diri yang Cemerlang” tulisan saya sendiri. Selain itu, bila berminat Anda boleh meminta hasil survey ini ke

Selamat mengisi dan terima kasih.

Amalia E. Maulana, Ph. D.
ETNOMARK Consulting

Link Kuesioner Klik di Sini

Mendel Fellowships, The Lilly Library of Indiana University, USA

Berita baik bagi Anda yang ingin melakukan penelitian di bidang yang berkaitan dengan perpustakaan dan membutuhkan dana untuk penelitian tersebut:

The Lilly Library invites applications for visiting fellowships forresearch in residence in its collections. The Lilly Library is the principal rare book and manuscript library of Indiana University. Its holdings support research in British, French, and American literature and history; the literature of voyages and exploration, specifically the European expansion in the Americas; early printing, and the Church, children’s literature, music; film, radio and television; medicine, science, and architecture; and food and drink.

The Lilly Library of Indiana University invites applications for fellowships of up to $40,000 during the academic year in support of research in the library’s Bernardo Mendel collections, as noted below.

Established through a bequest by the estate of Johanna Lenz Mendel in 1998, the Mendel Fellowships are intended to support research by scholars from around the world in areas of particular interest to the Mendels, including: the history of the Spanish Colonial Empire; Latin American independence movements; European expansion in the Americas; voyages, travels and exploration; geography, navigation and cartography; German literature and history; and music, including sheet music. The amount of the stipend is based on the length of stay, which may range from one week to a full academic year. The fellowship is intended to cover travel to the Lilly Library and living expenses while in residence.

There is no special application form: Candidates, ranging from doctoral research students to senior scholars, should submit a curriculum vitae, a 2-3 page proposal for their projects, including the specific holdings they intend to consult, two letters of recommendation, and a indication of length of stay, which may include the summer months.

Application deadline:
No applications will be accepted in the fall of 2013. The next application deadline is April 15, 2014.

Send applications for Helm and Mendel Fellowships to:
The Lilly Library
Indiana University Libraries
1200 East Seventh Street
Bloomington, Indiana 47405
(812) 855-2452
(812) 855-3143 (fax)

Sumber informasi:

Library Research Grants, The Getty Foundation, USA

Berita baik bagi Anda yang ingin melakukan penelitian di bidang yang berkaitan dengan perpustakaan dan membutuhkan dana untuk penelitian tersebut:

Getty Library Research Grants provide partial, short-term support for costs relating to travel and living expenses to scholars whose research requires use of specific collections housed in the Getty Research Institute. A Library Research Grant is not a prerequisite for obtaining access to the Research Library.

Library Research Grants are intended for scholars of all nationalities and at any level who demonstrate a compelling need to use materials housed in the Research Library, and whose place of residence is more than eighty miles from the Getty Center. Projects must relate to specific items in the library collection.

Library Research Grants are intended to provide partial support for costs relating to travel and living expenses. Grants range from $500 to $2,500, depending on the distance traveled. The research period may range from several days to a maximum of three months, but must take place between February 15, 2014, and January 15, 2015. These terms apply as of June 2012 and are subject to future changes.

Application Availability and Deadline
Complete application materials are now accepted through an online application process only. The next deadline for these grants is 6:00 p.m. PDT, October 15, 2013.

Applicants are notified of the Research Institute’s decision approximately six weeks to two months following the deadline.

Unsuccessful applicants are still welcome to use the Research Library in accordance withits access policy.

For Research Library appointments and reference assistance, please call (310) 440-7390 or contact the GRI.

How To Apply

Part 1:
Applicants are required to complete and submit the online Library Research Grant application form (which includes uploading a Project Proposal; Curriculum Vitae; Selected Bibliography of Research Library Collections you wish to consult; and Proposed Estimated Travel Costs) by 6:00 p.m. PDT, October 15, 2013.

Part 2:
Applicants must have two confidential letters of recommendation forwarded by their recommenders via e-mail ( to the Getty Foundation. The letters must be received by October 15, 2013. Recommenders should attach a scanned original letter to the e-mail (preferred) or may provide the recommendation in the body of the e-mail. In all cases, letters of recommendation must come directly from the recommender’s e-mail account, must clearly indicate the applicant’s name and “Library Research Grant” in the subject line, and must include the recommender’s name and title.

Please address inquiries to:

Attn: Library Research Grants
The Getty Foundation
1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90049-1685

Phone: (310) 440-7374
Fax (inquiries only): (310) 440-7703

Informasi lebih lanjut silahkan kunjungi:

Sumber informasi:

Kuesioner Penelitian “Peran Perpustakaan Nasional Sebagai Pusat Pelestari Budaya Bangsa”

Dear All,
Saya kemarin dapat amanah menyebarluaskan koesioner penelitian dari Ayu Saraswati. Mohon Kesediaan teman-teman membantu penelitiannya dengan mengisi koesioner yang akan saya attach berikut ini dan mengirimkannya ke
*Terima Kasih

* Pesan dr Ayu:
Perkenalkan nama saya Ayu 🙂 [:)] , saya alumni JIP Unair. Saya bermaksud meminta bantuan pada kawan2 untuk mengisi kuesioner penelitian saya yang berjudul “Peran Perpustakaan Nasional Sebagai Pusat Pelestari Budaya Bangsa”. Memungkinkan-kah saya mendapatkan ijin untuk hal tersebut? Karena saya membutuhkan responden yang sudah pernah memanfaatkan layanan di Perpusnas.
Maaf merepotkan dan terima kasih sebelumnya. Saya tunggu balasannya ya mas 🙂 [:)]

Best Regards,